+371 29250084


08:00 - 18:30

Monday to Friday

+371 29250084


08:00 - 18:30

Monday to Friday

+371 29250084

Dzirnavu iela 16

Riga, Latvija

08:00 - 18:30

Monday to Friday

Zusätzliche Aktivitäten

Zusätzliche Aktivitäten_Preisliste _ 2024-25

Zusätzliche Aktivitäten_Zeitplan_ 2024-25

Zusätzliche Aktivitäten_Anmeldeformular_ 2024-25

Extra-curricular activities

We believe that a comprehensive education consists of more than just academic knowledge and the command of multiple languages. To be well prepared for life one should acquire many additional skills, to include the enhanced development of analytical, social, physical and emotional competences gained through additional learning and exercising in the realm of the sports and arts.

For the convenience of the parents we strive to provide a wide range of such extracurricular activities in-house, thereby eliminating the logistical challenges of parents having to drive their children after school to third locations. Our extra-curricular activities are synchronized so as not to conflict with the school’s core curricula. They take place either during the lunch break, immediately following the regular afternoon classes, or involve the special rescheduling of regular academic lessons when necessary. The extra-curricular activities cost extra and are for the most part taught by external specialty teachers.

Currently we offer the following extra-curricular activities:

– swimming lessons (kindergarten and pre-school only)
– individual lessons for the piano, violin, guitar and the flute (pre-school and older)
– alpine downhill skiing (age 2.5 and older)
– computer coding (elementary school only)
– Chinese language lessons (pre-school and older)
– ballet (age 3 and older)
– chess (pre-school and older)
– Kung-Fu (currently for kindergarten only)
– robotics, i.e. the development of technical and analytical skills (pre-school and older)
– ballroom dancing (pre-school and older)
– Zumba dance classes (pre-school and older)

Parents may also suggest further activities. If enough children sign up to make the proposed activity financially viable we typically try to offer it.

Finally, a speech-therapist is regularly visiting our school to address logopedic needs.