Our institution attaches particular importance to the multilingual education of your child. This begins at an early age. In kindergarten, the German teachers are supported by German-speaking local assistants who also understand Latvian, Russian and English. The aim of language education in kindergarten and pre-school is to learn the German language in order to give the students a good start in the first grade. In addition, our youngest children receive daily play sessions in English. Formal daily English lessons begin in pre-school.
From elementary school onwards, our students learn more languages at a much higher level at a young age than children almost anywhere else in the world. We have the very ambitious goal of having students become fluent in three languages and acquire one or two more languages at an intermediate level. At DISR, German, English and one other language (Latvian or Russian) are taught at language level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This corresponds to a native speaker level. For Latvian and Russian lessons, classes are divided into lessons for native speakers and foreign speakers. Students learn a further language from year 5 onwards at language level B1, an intermediate level. Students can choose between French, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. All languages are taught exclusively by native-speaking teachers and according to the standards of the respective school systems of the countries, e.g. English according to the American school system. The corresponding tests to prove language skills, e.g. the Hamburg language test, are also carried out.
Our DaZ program also enables lateral entrants with insufficient knowledge of German to enter school life at a later stage. The children concerned are taught individually or in small groups through additional units. These either take place after the normal lessons or can replace secondary subjects such as art or music.
We also offer a basic course for students who are not learning Latvian at native speaker level. The teaching of Latvian culture, natural history, history and geography is also integrated into our curriculum.
Children who are only temporarily resident in Latvia can be exempted from Latvian or Russian lessons on request.
In view of these special objectives, the requirements of the DISR curriculum are not suitable for all children. For example, the number of language lessons in our 1st grade is already about DOUBLE that of a Latvian or German public school. In Latvian schools, for example, students receive 6 Latvian lessons and 2 English lessons in the first grade, for a total of 8 language lessons. Our curriculum for year 1, on the other hand, already provides 6 lessons of German, 5 lessons of English and 5 lessons of Latvian or Russian, i.e. a total of 16 language lessons.
Here you will find Policy for registration at our school