Our school awards the GIB
The Mixed Language International Baccalaureate (GIB) is a special form of the normal International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) and was developed together by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is a two-year general education diploma that can be obtained at many schools worldwide. It is awarded by the Geneva-based private-sector IBO and is recognized both in Germany and internationally as a university entrance certificate. German colleges and universities generally require proof of the necessary German language skills for admission. As a result, the regular IB diploma can only be recognized in conjunction with a DSD II. This is already integrated into the GIB. This means that the GIB diploma is recognized by all universities and colleges as a higher education entrance qualification and as proof of the required German language skills.
The GIB Diploma Program includes all modules of the IB Diploma Program. According to the curriculum of the program, there are six examination subjects, one of which must be taken from each of the subject groups one to five defined by the IB organization, as well as a further optional subject that can be chosen from any of the six subject groups:
The mother tongue (i.e. German for German-speaking students), which is also taught abroad at mother tongue level as an A1 language. This is a very literature-intensive curriculum.
The main emphasis of the modern language courses is on the acquisition and use of language in a range of contexts and for different purposes while, at the same time, promoting an understanding of another culture through the study of its language. Three subjects are available to accommodate students’ interest in and previous experience of language study. The first two subjects are offered in a number of languages.
Learning Latin or Ancient Greek is also possible, depending on the school.
Includes business and management, economics, geography, history, history of Islam, IT in the global society, philosophy, psychology, anthropology.
Biology, chemistry, physics, environmental technology or design and technology.
There are four different levels of mathematics, which are chosen according to individual ability. In addition, Computer Science can be chosen in this group instead of a subject from subject group 6.
In this group, students can either choose another subject from subject groups 2 to 5 or take art, music or theater.
Students must complete at least three subjects (four are also possible) at Higher Level (HL = a total of 240 hours) and the others at Standard Level (SL = 150 hours).
Each student must also take the Theory of Knowledge course. An extended essay of 4000 words on a freely selectable scientific topic forms a further supplementary element of the evaluation.
The higher-level subjects are intended to reflect the students’ future career aspirations and provide them with prior knowledge in these areas. To meet the requirements of a future medical degree, for example, a combination of chemistry and biology at a higher level is recommended. This combination of subjects is not a formal requirement for admission to medical studies in Germany but makes it easier for students to enter the course in terms of content.
In addition to German, which must be taken as Language A SL/HL or Language B HL, the subject history and at least one of the two, biology or chemistry, are taught in German at the GIB. Since the 2019/20 school year, math can also be offered in German.
GIB learners are encouraged to think critically and solve complex problems and to drive their own learning and lives forward independently. They develop cultural awareness through learning a second language and can interact with people in an increasingly globalized, rapidly changing world.
Students with this diploma have the privilege of continuing their academic education for free or at low cost in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
More information about the IB and GIB can be found here: https://www.ibo.org/globalassets/new-structure/brochures-and-infographics/pdfs/1709-dp-brochure-en.pdf